At Oakwood Academy we are keen for parents to play an active role in the education of their children. We value the input that our parents are able to offer and are keen to consult them on a wide range of school issues.
To view our guidance on E-safety and Safeguarding, please click the link on this page to view our policies.
If, as a parent/carer of a pupil attending this school, you require a paper copy of the information on this website, we shall provide this free of charge.
In the event of school being closed due to severe weather conditions, information will be posted on the school website.
Please use the link on this page to take you to our complaints procedure page if you wish to contact the school with any issues.
Parent Pay is a fantastic way to pay for school items such as dinner money, after school club, trips etc without having to send cash into school. If your child has not yet received a letter please telephone reception on 0161 464 9951 or email If we receive an email from your primary email address we will be able to reply with your code to set up Parent Pay.