Oakwood Academy pupils





Hello my name is Mrs Hilton and I am the Head of Lower school at Oakwood Academy. As part of my role I am responsible for the pastoral care of pupils in year 5, 6, and 7. This means I help support with rewards, behaviour, safeguarding and attendance. I also co-ordinate the transition of pupils from primary to secondary school. As a school the smooth transition of our pupils is very important, the move to a new school presents a whole set of new challenges and can feel a lit bit daunting and exciting at the same time. 

We are very dedicated to supporting pupils and parents/carers with the move to our school. We have an excellent pastoral system of care at Oakwood Academy which allows us to get to know and support you well. We work very closely with the local primary schools, attending annual reviews, meeting with children and parents and providing open evenings for potential pupils. All students also have the opportunity to spend time at Oakwood Academy in June, these taster days offer a real taste of school life at Oakwood academy, with pupils experiencing meeting staff, peers, tour of the school and taking part in different activities.

All parents/carers are invited to a Welcome evening where they can familiarise themselves with the surroundings, this usually takes place during June. This is an extremely important time in the lives of your children and we understand that this move can be a little daunting or stressful. It is important to us that your children feel ready for this transition and we want them to be prepared so they are able to settle well into Oakwood Academy life and quickly become used to their new routines.

We are constantly in touch with SENCOs at your child’s school to keep them up to date with our plans however I do hope that the enclosed document and the video link on the website will help both our pupils joining us in September and parents/carers. I hope you are preparing for the exciting time ahead for you and your children in the transition from Primary to Oakwood Academy.

Below are links to some useful website to give you advice and guidance about the transition process.

I hope you are all safe and well. We look forward to meeting and supporting you very soon.

Mrs Hilton

Head of Lower School