Assistance with transport is provided for primary and secondary school age pupils attending special needs schools within the Salford area and beyond.
If transport is to be provided, the authority will determine the type of provision to be made; this may take the form of travel cost reimbursement or even more individualised contracted transport. Provision made will take account of the pupil/student's severity of learning difficulty and/or mobility needs.
Transport needs will be reviewed in line with an annual review process as a pupils transport needs may change over time. Schools will review transport provision and make recommendations to the LA through the statutory review process with a view to moving pupils to independent travel as soon as possible.
The following link will direct you to information about applying for school transport, here you can download and complete the application, you will also find the details of who to send your completed form to:
Email for completed forms to:
If your child already has transport provided and you require further information please call the transport office on 0161 925 1351